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Public consultation

Proposals for a new data centre in Wickford

Caineal LLP is consulting local residents on proposals for a new data centre in Wickford, on land between the A127 and Nevendon Road in Wickford.

​The proposals include a leading-edge data centre designed to accommodate Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities, as well as a large area of public open space and a nature reserve to help safeguard the green gap between Basildon and Wickford in this area.

​This website has been set up to provide you with access to the latest information about the emerging proposals and enable you to provide feedback. Your comments will inform the planning application which will be submitted to Basildon Council.

Image of conference, people sat down with books on laps

22 January 2024

Time:  2pm to 7pm

Location: Miracle House, Wickford

On Wednesday 22 January, from 2pm to 7pm, we will be holding a consultation event at Miracle
House in Wickford (Silva Island Way, SS12 9NR).


At this event you can meet the team behind the
project, find out more about the proposals and provide feedback.


The site is a self-contained piece of land between the A127 and Nevendon Road, next to the already approved electric vehicle charging station. It has been identified as part of a wider area proposed for housing with employment use potential in Basildon’s recently published draft local plan.

Only a small part of the overall site will be developed, with the majority being preserved as green open space – securing a permanent green gap between Wickford and Basildon in this area.

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Data Centre

The proposals include a data centre of up to 25,315 sqm over two levels of IT halls and three levels of office. Two screened external plant areas run along the main body of the data centre building totalling 5,970 sqm. The existing overhead power cables will be moved underground.


Green space and a nature reserve

The eastern part of the site would become a 34.5-acre area of publicly accessible green space and a nature reserve with new ponds and wetland habitats. With the existing Nevendon wetlands, this would create an area of green space the equivalent of almost 50 football pitches – permanently safeguarding the green gap between Basildon and Wickford in this area, and delivering a net gain in wildlife habitats.


Vehicle Access

Access is proposed from Nevendon Road, sharing the access road to be created for the new electric vehicle charging station. While a data centre would represent a substantial
investment and generate significant benefits for the town and local workforce, once operational it will not generate much traffic on local roads.


Landscaping and Lighting

New trees and planting will be provided around the boundaries. There will only be lights around access points and where it is needed for the health and safety of staff, and this will be low-level lighting only to prevent light pollution or impact on wildlife.




To make the proposals as sustainable as  possible, they will include the use of PV panels and locally sourced construction materials, an energy-efficient lighting design, and the potential for links to a district heating system to use the waste heat generated by the data centre.

Our proposals

Proposed data centre development:

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Proposed new area of green space on Nevendon Road in Wickford:

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Project team

Caineal LLP has brought together an international, award winning team to deliver one of the first AI capable data centres in the UK.

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Lawson Planning Partnership

Planning Consultants


CPA Consulting

Civil and Structural Engineers

HDR Engineering Services

Energy & Sustainability

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Bryan G Hall

Transport & Highways

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Environmental Impact

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  • What is a data centre?
    Data centres provide critical infrastructure for the digital economy. They are warehouse-type properties housing IT and telecommunications infrastructure, in the form of racks of computer servers. Whether it’s a night at home streaming a movie, speaking to friends or colleagues on Zoom, or shopping online – all these things depend on data centres. Due to their strategic importance data centres are regarded as ‘Critical National Infrastructure’. There is an overwhelming need for data centres, and this demand is far outstripping the supply.
  • What would this mean for the local economy?
    This would represent a major investment in Basildon, with an initial £500 million invested in the construction and fit-out alone, with further phases bringing the total investment to £1.2-1.3 billion. Once operational, it would provide a long-lasting boost to the local economy, directly supporting 120 full-time jobs across a wide variety of roles – from engineers and technicians to security staff – but also attracting further substantial investment into the area from other high-tech businesses that want to locate nearby. The data centre would also contribute as much as £2 million a year in business rates, with Basildon Council retaining 50% of this to invest in local priorities.
  • Why is this the right location for a data centre?
    Data centres have highly specific requirements – relating to location, access to fibre connections and available power – that few sites can match. The site in Wickford is highly suitable for such a development.
  • Is the site in the green belt?
    Although the site is currently in the green belt, development is only proposed for a small part of the overall site – a self-contained piece of land between the A127 and Nevendon Road, next to an already approved electric vehicle charging station, and with an industrial park immediately to the south. The site has also been identified as part of a wider area proposed for housing with employment use potential in Basildon’s recently-published draft local plan.
  • How will cars access the site?
    Vehicles will access the site from Nevendon Road, using the access road to be created for the new electric vehicle charging station. A secondary and emergency only access will also be created from Old Nevendon Road. Once operational the data centre will not generate many traffic movements. There will be up to 120 employees, but these will be split across three shifts each day, with shift changes happening outside of peak hours. As a result, there will be no noticeable impact on local roads.
  • Could the proposed green open space be built on in the future?
    Legal mechanisms will be put in place to ensure that this land is safe from development, permanently saving the green gap between Basildon and Wickford in this area.
  • When will the planning application be submitted?
    We intend to submit the planning application in Spring 2025.

Have your say

We want to hear your views. You can do this by attending our consultation event on Wednesday 22 January, filling out the form below or contacting us using the phone number or email address below:

􀌾  07523 696293


We are committed to protecting personal information. Any information provided will be used in line with applicable laws concerning the protection of personal data, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


Under the terms of the GDPR you have certain rights over how your personal data is retained and used by us.


Your comments will be analysed by Real Estate Communications on behalf of Caineal LLP. Copies will be made available to the relevant planning authority so it can note your comments. We will, however, request that your personal details are not placed on the public record.


Your personal details will be held securely by Real Estate Communications in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, will be used solely in connection with this consultation and any subsequent planning applications and, except as noted above, will not be passed to any third parties. Real Estate Communications will only keep your personal details until the implementation of this planning permission unless you have requested to receive updates.

To speak to the project team, ask questions, and leave feedback, please come to our drop-in consultation event. There is no need to RSVP or book – just turn up at any point during those hours.

Conference image with individuals sat, with books on laps

Visit our public exhibition




22 January 2025

1400 - 1900

Miracle House, Silva Island Way

© 2025 Caineal LLP

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